日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 中国・四国支部 研究部会



第1回日時:平成26年3月15日(土) 14:40~17:30
会場:広島経済大学 立町キャンパス 131教室 (住所:広島市中区立町2-25 IG石田学園ビル)
 14:10~14:15 開会挨拶
  谷崎 隆士 (近畿大学工学部情報システム工学科教授,次世代基盤技術研究所サービス工学研究センター教授)
 14:15~15:45 講演
  講師:長坂 康史 (広島工業大学 情報学部 情報工学科 教授)
 16:00~17:30 講演
  講師:新村 猛 (がんこフードサービス株式会社 取締役副社長)
 18:00~20:00 懇親会
第2回日時:平成26年3月22日(土) 15:55~17:30
会場:広島経済大学 立町キャンパス 131教室 (住所:広島市中区立町2-25 IG石田学園ビル)
受付開始 15:45~
 15:55~16:00 開会挨拶
  片桐 英樹 (広島大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授)
 16:00~17:30 講演
  講師:上野 信行 (県立広島大学 経営情報学部 教授)
 18:00~20:00 懇親会



第1回日時:平成25年9月6日(金)15:00〜16:00 (発表およびQ&Aを含む)
講師:江崎和博 (法政大学理工学部経営システム工学科)
題目:"Prediction Models for Total Customer Satisfaction Based on the ISO/IEC9126 System Quality Model"
概要: The profitability of the system product is decided on the sales of the product. Furthermore, a customer satisfaction for products quality and a price have a big influence on the sales of the product. It spends limited financial resources effectively to raise the profitability of the system product, and it is necessary to realize the high quality product correspond to the customer needs as much as possible. There may be close relationship between cost of a product and an expense to implement the individual inherent attribute of system product. For the purpose of improvement of the customer satisfaction for quality of system product, the method of quantitative quality requirement and evaluation based on the ISO/IEC9126 quality model that includes six quality characteristics is widely recognized. However, independency among each quality characteristic has not been sure and the suitability of method for quality requirement of system product by using these six quality characteristics could not certified statistically. In the precedent study, introduced the requirements definition method for the quality of system product based on the system quality model defined in ISO/IEC9126 and proposed the effectiveness of it statistically. This study have measured the customer satisfaction for the system quality from the viewpoint of six quality characteristics quantitatively and confirmed the effectiveness of the technique to evaluate. In this study, we have confirmed the relationship between inherent attributes of the product and quantitative result of a measured value of total customer satisfaction from the view point of six quality characteristics statistically. This study performed the trial to clarify the relations with the inherent attributes that quantitative result of a measurement of the customer satisfaction based on six quality characteristics by the quality model of ISO/IEC9126. In addition, this study performed the development of the prediction model to estimate the total customer satisfaction for the system product from the view point of inherent attribute of the product. In this paper, we propose the effectiveness of application of the estimated prediction model and possibility of improvement of the total customer satisfaction of a system product.
第2回日時:平成25年11月20日(水) 16:30〜17:30 (発表およびQ&Aを含む)
会場:鳥取大学工学部土木工学科棟4階 資料解析室(住所:鳥取市湖山町南4-101)
講師:田村慶信 (山口大学理工学研究科)
概要: 近年,低コスト・短納期でクラウド環境を構築できるOpenStackのようなオープンソースソフトウェアを利用したクラウド環境が注目されている.しかしながら,ソフトウェアの設計図にあたるソースコードが世界中に公開されているため,悪意のあるサイト攻撃や情報流出の標的になり易いのが現状である.本講演では,クラウドコンピューティングの運用段階を対象とした信頼性評価法を取り上げ,AIRアプリケーションとして実装された信頼性評価のためのソフトウェアツールについて紹介する.
会場:米子コンベンションセンター 第4会議室(住所:鳥取県米子市末広町294)
ワークショップ概要: 今後益々複雑化していくビジネス環境の中で,企業の情報化投資への期待は大きく,より高品質で経済的なコンピュータ・ソフトウェアをタイムリーに開発・提供できるようにソフトウェア産業は努力しなければなりません.このとき,ソフトウェア開発組織の能力を高めることを目指して,人材育成や品質指向ソフトウェアマネジメント技術を軸に絶えず自組織のソフトウェア開発プロセスを改善していくことが重要となります.ソフトウェア品質マネジメントワークショップでは,鳥取県および隣国韓国におけるIT産業における人材育成や品質指向ソフトウェアマネジメント技術に関する現場での問題を整理し,これらの問題に対して有効かつ効果的な解決策について議論します.

(支部研究部会)「広島サマーセミナー 2013 ~ ソフトウェア工学におけるオペレーションズ・リサーチの活用」研究部会

主査:土肥正 (広島大学),幹事:岡村寛之 (広島大学),肖霄 (広島大学)

第1回日時:平成25年8月2日(金) 11:00~12:00
会場:広島大学 工学部 工A1-111号教室(住所:東広島市鏡山1-4-1)
講師:Dr. Kazu Okumoto (Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Alcatel-Lucent, USA)
題目:"Software Reliability & Availability: Measurement, Prediction, Application"
概要: Today, as part of the new Alcatel-Lucent innovation engine, Bell Labs designs products and services that are at the forefront of communications technology, and conducts fundamental research in fields important to communications. Current research areas and projects are briefly introduced. In recent years many product suppliers have been implementing complex software-controlled systems with a large number of software functions for delivery on a short development schedule. A majority of field problems are associated with software. This presentation proposes a procedure for implementing software reliability predictions, which address customer’s concern about service-impacting outages and system stability in the field. The proposed approach is relatively new and based on customer views. It has been validated with actual data for release over release and successfully applied to various tele-communication products such as base station, radio network controller, and core network, associated with 3G & 4G wireless technologies. A large number of software reliability growth models have been proposed in the last four decades. There are still some hesitation and reluctance in applying to actual projects. Key issues with the current approach are addressed. This presentation clearly defines data requirements in terms of test defects and field outages to ensure a good data collection process. The effect of operational profile is incorporated to demonstrate the changes in defect find rate from internal test through pre-cutover test and in-service operation. A software reliability growth model is a necessary key step, but not sufficient for addressing customer-perceived reliability measures. The proposed approach is a result from in-depth investigations of test defect data and field outage data over many years. It is not only a practical approach for tracking software reliability through defect data from internal test and field but also a valuable tool for determining whether a software product is ready for the delivery. It helps assure the delivery of highly reliable software.
第2回日時:平成25年9月20日(金) 15:00〜16:00
会場:広島大学 工学部 工109号教室(住所:東広島市鏡山1-4-1)
講師:Prof. Qun Jin (Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences, Waseda University)
題目:"Towards Sustainable Use of Personal Big Data: A Human-Centric Integrated Approach"
概要:Nowadays our work, daily life and many other social activities become more dependent on the cyber space. We are living in a ubiquitous network society, which features a kind of seamless integration of real physical world and cyber digital space. Wireless sensor and ubiquitous computing technologies make it possible to capture individual information behavior and any other data relevant to a specific individual at any place and anytime, and make a log, which can be called life log. Life log is a kind of personal data, created by and about an individual person. Long-term or even lifelong accumulating of life log for an individual becomes big data, or personal big data. In this talk, we present our vision and concept on sustainable use of personal big data from a human-centric perspective. We introduce an ecologically integrated framework of information environments, and discuss how to build a unified individual model from personal big data. We further address and describe issues for design, implementation and applications of such a system to realize individualized sustainable use of personal big data.

日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 中国・四国支部事務局(orsj.chushikoku@gmail.com)